Showing posts with label Windows Server 2003. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Windows Server 2003. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Remotely Enable Remote Desktop

Needed to remotely enable remote desktop on a Win2k3 machine, but all of the methods I could find suggested registry editing which posed a few problems:
  1. Not a big fan of editing the registry of servers
  2. Remote Registry service was not enabled on this particular machine

Luckily, I found the following at

From Win2k3:

wmic /node:"Computer Name (FQDN)" /USER:"username" RDTOGGLE WHERE ServerName="Computer Name (FQDN)" CALL SetAllowTSConnections 1

From WinXP:

wmic /node:"Computer Name (FQDN)" /USER:"username" PATH win32_terminalservicesetting WHERE (__Class!="") CALL SetAllowTSConnections 1
